44 year old with ALD
CHIEF COMPLAINTS 44 year old male came to casualty with chief complaints of fever with chills on and off high grade associated with chills and rigor HOPI patient was apparently asymptomatic 12 years back had history of intake of alcohol initially 90 ml gradually progress to amount of 200 ml since 2 years patient was on alcohol 200 ml , quantity increased to daily intake of with no or minimal food intake H/O agressive behaviour tremors + decreased appetite yellowish discoloration of sclera present vomiting of 1 episode , patient was admitted in outside hospital and treated as alcoholic liver disease With TB - 23.7 gradually reduced to 2.5 pain abdomen + passing stools (1-2 ) episodes/day No loose stools , vomitings,malena ,blood in stools Past history N/K/C/O - DM, ASTHMA,TB , EPILEPSY Personal history married appetite - lost bowel - regular micturition - normal known alcoholic since 12 years GENERAL EXAMINATION no pallor,icterus,cyano